Sunday, September 27, 2009

Bit-O Herbs : Parsley

I took pictures of these caterpillars in my garden in the spring. They were the largest and most colorful I had ever seen. I encourage and love seeing bugs and lizards, spiders and worms in the garden...a nice balance tells me that my mini-ecosystem is working well. Though much to my dismay, these caterpillars ravaged the entire parsley plant. Usually they just munch on a few leaves and move on to the next plant, and so on until they develop. I call this picture, "Parsley Killer."

Parsley is one of those herbs you should always have in the garden. Planted next to roses, they will improve the scent and health of the rose bush. The Greeks planted parsley around the edges of the herb beds for protection. It has been used for decoration, to crown winners of games, as potpourri and of course, for food.

It is a popular ingredient in natural remedies such as tonics for hair and the eyes, and steam for dry skin. When crushed, the juice can be used on sprains to reduce swelling, or as an antiseptic for insect stings and bites.

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